Leighton Buzzard Pokemon Go - LBPoGo.co.uk | Pokemon Search Terms

Pokemon Search Terms

A comprehensive list of all Pokemon Go Search Terms to find Pokemon more easily.

Combining Search terms

You can combine and group search terms using the following symbols

Combining Search terms with &You can combine two search terms using an ampersand so to find Grass Pokemon better than 3000 CP you can search for Grass&cp3000-
Grouping serch terms with ,You can group two search terms together to find Pokemon in either terms using a comma so to find Grass and Water Pokemon you can search for Grass,Water
Selecting the inverse with !You can select the inverse of a search term using exclamation mark so to find things that have not been traded you can use !Traded

Name Search

BulbasaurAll Pokemon of the Species Bulbasaur
+BulbasaurAll Pokemon in the Bulbasaur Family
"Nickname"All Pokemon with the given Nickname

ID Search

1All Pokemon with Pokedex ID 1
1-25All Pokemon with a Pokedex ID between 1 and 25 inclusive
1-All Pokemon with a Pokedex ID of 1 and above
-25All Pokemon with a Pokedex ID of 25 and below

Combat Points Search

cp2000All Pokemon with a Combat Points value of 2000
cp2000-3000All Pokemon with Combat Points between 2000 and 3000 inclusive
cp2000-All Pokemon with Combat Points of 2000 and higher
cp-2000All Pokemon with Combat Points of 2000 and lower

Hit Points Search

hp200All Pokemon with 200 Hit Points
hp200-300All Pokemon with Hit Points between 200 and 300 inclusive
hp200-All Pokemon with 200 Hit points or more
hp-200All Pokemon with 200 Hit points or less

Distance Search

Distance10-100All Pokemon caught 10 to 100 KM away from your current location
Distance100-All Pokemon caught 100 KM or more from your current location
Distance-100All Pokemon caught 100 KM or less from your current location

Type Search

WaterAll Water type Pokemon

Move Search

@BiteAll Pokemon with the move Bite
@1WaterAll Pokemon with a water type Fast Move
@2WaterAll Pokemon with a water type primary Charged Move (first charged move only)
@3WaterAll Pokemon with a secondary water type Charged Move
@MoveAll Pokemon that can learn a 2nd Charge Move
!@MoveAll Pokemon that have learned a 2nd Charge Move
@SpecialAll Pokemon with exclusive moves (e.g. legacy, Community day, etc)

Weather Search

@WeatherAll Pokemon currently boosted by the weather
@1WeatherAll Pokemon with a weather boosted Fast move
@2WeatherAll Pokemon with a weather boosted primary Charged move (first charged move only)
@3WeatherAll Pokemon with a weather boosted secondary Charged move (second charged move only)

IV Search

0*All Pokemon with an IV percentage between 0% and 49%
1*All Pokemon with an IV percentage between 50% and 65%
2*All Pokemon with an IV percentage between 66% and 80%
3*All Pokemon with an IV percentage between 81% and 98%
4*All Pokemon with an IV percentage of 100% (Aka a Perfect/hundo Pokemon)
0*,1*,2*All Pokemon with an IV percentage between 0% and 80% (typically used to find 'trash')

Buddy Search

Buddy0All Pokemon that have never been your buddy
Buddy1All Pokemon that have been a buddy but not reached Good buddy status
Buddy2All Pokemon that have reached Good Buddy status
Buddy3All Pokemon that have reached Great Buddy status
Buddy4All Pokemon that have reached Ultra Buddy status
Buddy5All Pokemon that have reached Best Buddy status

Catch Date Search

Age1All Pokemon caught Between 24-48 hours ago
Age-6All Pokemon caught in the last 7 days (count starts from 0)
Age6-All Pokemon caught longer than 7 days ago (count starts from 0)
Age6-13All Pokemon caught longer than between 7 and 14 days ago (count starts from 0)
Year2016All Pokemon caught in 2016
Year-2017All Pokemon caught in 2017 and earlier
Year2017-All Pokemon caught in 2017 and later
Year2017-2019All Pokemon caught in the years including and between 2017 and 2019

Misc Search Criteria

CostumeAll Pokemon that have a costume making it different from the 'standard' Pokemon
DefenderAll Pokemon currently defending gyms
TradedAll Pokemon that have been traded to you
LegendaryAll Legendary Pokemon
MythicalAll Mythical Pokemon
ShinyAll Pokemon that are Shiny
LuckyAll Pokemon that are lucky
ShadowAll Pokemon that are Shadows
PurifiedAll Pokemon that are Purified
HatchedAll Pokemon that have hatched from eggs
EggsonlyAll Pokemon that are exclusive to eggs (aka the baby Pokemon)
EvolveAll Pokemon that you have enough candy to evolve
EvolvenewAll pokemon that you have enough candy to evolve and have not yet registered the evolution in the PokeDex
TradeevolveAll Pokemon that can evolve for free after being traded
ItemAll Pokemon that need a special item to evolve
/ Male
All Pokemon that are of the entered gender
GenderunknownAll Pokemon that are genderless
/ Johoto
/ Hoenn
/ Sinnoh
/ Unova
/ Kalos
/ Alola
/ Galar
All Pokemon from the entered Region (note: Khanto shows Alolan Pokemon too)